
One of my good friends likes to frequently, drunkenly, say “I’ve got family that aint blood and blood that aint family.” I think we can all relate to that. You’ve got that one family friend you refer to as “aunt” or “uncle” or you even have a best friend that you consider to be family. Which to me is rare, just because I don’t really enjoy getting that close to people, self protection and what not.

My family that is blood: My divorced parents, mom and dad, and then also my brother.

Family that is not blood: My best friend Hannah.

Currently I live at home with my mom and unfortunately my 22 year old brother. He’s not the easiest to live with, although I guess most siblings aren’t. We just moved out of our “family” home that my mom and dad built over 20 years ago when they got married. Somewhere small, where we’re all smushed together.  Not the ideal living situation for someone who just wants to be on their own. Recently I’ve spent more time out of the house than in the house. Usually with Hannah. Or if I am home, Hannah is probably there or going to be there. I spend zero time with my dad, considering he moved to the keys this past summer, even though we keep in touch. This begs the question who’s my family?

I spend most of my time with Hannah and am closer to her than anyone else. However I grew up with and live with my mom and brother. While I know they are of course real family, but if we counted family as the people you spend most of your time with and are closest with then do they even count? Especially since this summer I’ll be moving out to live with Hannah full time, two hours away from where I currently live. And on another note, do you count your animals as family? I do.

Wordcount: 327

One thought on “Family?”

  1. I also have one good friend that is closer than my family…I consider her family and my children consider her their aunt. We have been inseparable for 13 years now. Other “friends” come and go but it takes someone special to make it to family status…Oh and pets definitely count as family too! 🙂


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